C.J. Doyle, Jr. Executive Director The Catholic Action League of Massachusetts
Why is the Caritas Christi Catholic Hospital Group in Massachusetts bidding on a government contract that will force them to be complicit in abortion, contraception, and sterilization? The joint venture of Caritas/Centene was awarded the low bid. Will Cardinal Sean O'Malley reject this volitional contract slated to start on July 1, 2009 and thereby uphold the principles of the Roman Catholic faith?
Deirdre Garrahan & Abigail Friedman Wellesley Alliance For Life Wellesley College
What's it like to have a pro-life group on a pro-abortion feminist campus like Wellesley College? Is free speech stifled with emotional euphemisms by the feminists when discussing the abortion, abortifacients, contraception or any other pro-life issues? And what happens if a Wellesley student gets pregnant?
Mrs. Wanda Franz, Ph.D. President National Right to Life Committee Washington, D.C.
Assessing President George W. Bush years, 2001-2009, from a pro-life perspective. U.S. Supreme Court appointees Roberts & Alito; Partial Birth Abortion Ban Act; Unborn Victims of Violence Act; His first veto of using federal tax dollars for embryonic stem cell research; and much, much more.
Mrs. Wanda Franz, Ph.D. President National Right to Life Commitee Washington, D.C.
What to expect in the aftermath of 2008 national elections; President Obama's strong pro-abortion advocacy and what it portends during the next four years. Obama's promise to pass FOCA...the Freedom of Choice Act which would be devastating to the Pro-Life Movement.
Bobby Schindler Terri Shiavo's Brother The Terri Schindler Shiavo Foundation
She wasn't brain dead. She wasn't dying. She wasn't in a Persistent Vegetative State. So why did a judge order her to die via dehydration & starvation? If you are disabled, will you be euthanized too? An unsettling utilitarian worldwide trend.
News & Commentary of Life Issues. Sources such as LifeNews.com and LifeSiteNews.com provide terrific resources regarding life and death issues in America and Abroad.
Vincent M. Rue, Ph.D. Psychotherapy Co-Director of the Institute of Pregnancy Loss Also Co-Director of APART... the Alliance for Post-Abortion Research & Training.
How does abortion affect men? 'Post Abortion Syndrome', a psychological condition Dr. Rue is credited with identifying, manifests itself in many adverse ways. The evidence is mounting that abortion carries serious and significant mental health risks.
Abortion, the direct killing of an innocent human being, is always gravely immoral (The Gospel of Life, no. 57); its victims are the most vulnerable and defenseless members of the human family. It is imperative that those who are called to serve the least among us give urgent attention and priority to this issue of justice. ― Pope Benedict